Sunday 18 October 2009

I have to admit, I'm not taking it well.
Not at all.

Monday 5 October 2009

Does it matter? Even if it does, what does that make me?
A second class person? A disgrace?

Such a disappointment. Never in my life I was thought that way. Not until now.

Hot or cold?
Take your pick.

Saturday 26 September 2009


I used to expect many many things from the other person until the other person got tired of everything I did. I have to admit, I was demanding. I was selfish. I always had high hopes on the other other person but i always ended up being disappointed. I learned my lesson well.
Soon enough, the tables turned and currently, someone is always asking a lot from me...much more than I can afford to give.

Now this i what i call karma

Monday 7 September 2009

Next Plane Home

I really want to go back.
Take me home somebody.

Someone once told me that I always blog about emotional stuff. Well, that urge me to write from the beginning when I started on this blog about 2 years ago. At least I have something and somewhere to express myself though I never really did go into the details. Anyway sometimes, just reading my old posts just show me as a hyper emotional and sensitive person. My life seems so pathetic and insignificant compare to the others. Or is it just me who never appreciate what I have?

Have you ever thought of turning back time and trying out another route instead? Maybe, I won't feel that same way like how I did anymore. Just maybe.

Guess what? I'm jealous. Haha.

I miss home.
And i want to thank someone for consoling me today. That was my first time telling a person how I felt about something so simple, so small and yet mattered a lot to me. I think I've shown more negative sides of me more than positive ones to this person.

Monday 24 August 2009

Fairy Tales

You know when you were a little kid and you believed that your life would be similar to fairy tale fantasies? We all once believed in fairy tales during our adolescent period. We believed that fairy tales do come true.

Being a princess in a white dress wearing Cinderella's glass slippers searching for her knight in shining armor and to be swept off her feet and to be carried away to his kingdom. There will always be a happy-ever-after at the end of each chapter of that life.

But, as we grow older, our beliefs start to fade. Sooner or later, all of us would wake up from this foolish and childish dream of ours and start to face the real facts of reality.

It's life. What more do u expect from it?

Do fairy tales exist? Or are they just merely a figment of imagination?
There isn't anything I can do about it. Nothing. Whether or not it will happen, it's not my decision, but it's theirs. The least I could do now is to remain quiet until this issue is brought up again and to give my respect to them. No point shedding tears until you feel numb and completely empty. If I were to feel this way, what more to them? I shouldn't be the one complaining about everything. I'm not eligible for it.

Call it quits. Hah.